Friday, 14 August 2015

五百强盗成佛因缘故事 Five Hundred Bandits Attain Buddhahood

位于第285窟南壁,西魏大统四,五年(公元538-539年)绘,此图为五百强盗成佛因缘故事。故事说,古代有五百人造反,遭到镇压,被剜去了眼睛。他们的哀嚎感动了"普渡众生"的佛,因而复明,于是皈依佛教出家苦修,终于成佛。图中以五人表示五百,再现了1400多年前的战争景象。This is the detail of the Story of Five Hundred Bandits Attain Buddhahood,was painted on the south wall at cave 285 in 4th or 5th year of the Reign of Datong (538-539 A.D.), Western Wei Dynasty.This is the story about five hundred people rebelled and then were suppressed.Their eyes were savagely gouged out.Buddha was moved by their sad cries and kindly cured their eyes.Therefore they were converted to Buddhism and finally attained Buddhahood.In the figure which reappears the ancient war scene one thousand and four hundred years ago,five men are painted to represent five hundred people.